By Anesiphiwo Qwalana
“Home” is frequently viewed by Generation Z as a place of security, relaxation, and self-expression.
They have a strong sense of uniqueness and distinct identity, and they perceive their surroundings as
a mirror of who they are. They value social relationship and community as well, and “home” is
frequently viewed as a location where they may interact with people and build meaningful

Photo: Internet
The Generation Z generation is the first to have grown up totally in the digital age. They are very
skilled with technology, particularly cell phones and social media sites, as they have been a part of
their life since childhood.
People are enthusiastic about environmental concerns and long-term sustainability. They are
frequently involved in activism and push for environmentally beneficial activities.
The generation is more interested in social and political concerns. They are more inclined to
participate in activity, such as protests or lobbying campaigns.
Growing up in a world of continual communication and social media, Generation Z is frequently
linked with short attention spans. They are used to digesting information in bite-sized chunks.
The attitudes and viewpoints of Generation Z on problems such as diversity, inclusivity, and
psychological wellness are contributing to greater cultural developments. They are questioning
established conventions and fighting for a more just and caring society.As this generation matures and asserts its power, it will play a critical role in determining our
society’s and economy’s future.

Photo: Internet
Diverse Perspectives: Not just in terms of colour and ethnicity, but also in regards of cultural origins,
familial networks, and life experiences, Gen Z is a remarkable generation. Because of this variety, the
generation might have an extensive variety of thoughts and viewpoints.
Economic Difficulties: While Gen Z is frequently linked with financial prudence and pragmatism, a lot
of members of this generation confront economic difficulties, such as outstanding student loans, job
markets that are tough, and high housing expenses. Economic considerations might have an
influence on their life choice and possibilities.
Global Awareness: Because Gen Z is growing up in an age of global connection, they are frequently
more internationally aware than prior generations. They are more likely to be interested in foreign
news, global concerns, and feel a sense of belonging to a wider, linked globe.
Difficulties on Mental Health: Gen Z is recognized for freely addressing mental health, but this also
represents the considerable difficulties they endure. Academic pressures, social media assessments,
and economic uncertainty can all cause mental health issues for many members of this age.
Concerns about online anonymity and information security: Despite their digital proficiency, many
Gen Z people have reservations about online security and data security. They are more hesitant to
provide sensitive data online and are more inclined to take precautions to safeguard their digital
Interest in Skills-Based Education: Rather than conventional four-year degrees, Gen Z is
demonstrating a great interest in feasible, skills-based education. They are open to other options for
gaining relevant skills and credentials, such as job training, training programs, and online courses.
Subculture Influence: There are several subcultures and specialty interests within Gen Z that are not
usually generally acknowledged. These subcultures have a large influence on fashion, music, and
online trends.
While Gen Z is frequently identified with progressive principles, there is political difference within
the generation. Some members may be conservative or libertarian in their political opinions, and
political beliefs might vary greatly.
In conclusion, Gen Z is a multifaceted and varied generation, but there are some common themes
that run through their experiences and identities. They are digital natives who are comfortable with
technology and the internet, and they are focused on self-expression, authenticity, and diversity.
They are also focused on financial stability and have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
Parker, K. (2020) On the cusp of adulthood and facing an uncertain future: What we know about gen
Z so far, Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project. Available at: (Accessed: 09 September 2023).
May, B. (2021) Council post: Marketing to gen Z? here are 5 things you need to know, Forbes.
Available at: (Accessed: 09 September 2023).